:...guitar nuts on the quest for superb tone...:

Saturday, August 19, 2006


Well, I'm totally stoked about hangin' out with newworldson this week. I first heard their "down from the mountain" single last year on the emptyheart series and was wowed then. Their debut cd is makin waves all over and glad to be able to hear about their heart for ministry and look forward to taking them in live for the first time on Tuesday. I just love how "out-of-the-box" this music is. In an industry so saturated with over-produced pop it's great to see bands like this bring the art back into artist. Check out the newworldson site and myspace. Keep your eye on these guys. If you have a few minutes, please watch this video clip of the guys - great stuff!

newworldson - live

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

New things....

Well, just to let you know why it's been over two months since I made my last post: I started new employment in early July and I've been imersed into my new role. Since starting my job I've travelled to Peru for a week and been all over Ontario. It's quite a bit of travel but I get to see some great ministries out there and, of course, get to hob-nob with very cool artists and some with very monstrous guitar rigs (hehehe)... so, I'm still very involved musically and still looking forward to getting back on the guitar bloggin of course. Since my new job involves many other aspects of music and ministry, I've been toying wiht the idea of setting up a sister blog to this one to focus a little more on the details of the ministry I'm involved with. Just a little FYI. I'll blog soon...really I will.